TE30 is our newest universal 4-in-1 device combining functions of:
- Three-Phase Power Network Analyzer (Basic function)
- Energy Meter Tester (Basic function)
- Instrument Transformer Tester (Basic function)
- Power Quality Analyzer (REC function)
TE30 Working Standard is a continuation of Calport 100 (Three-Phase Power Network Analyzer – our bestseller since 1999) and NSQ400 (high performance Power Quality Analyzer).
In one case, TE30 can offer all you need and more:
- High accuracy: three-phase working standard class 0.05%
- Wide input ranges: 0.05-600V and 0.001-12A (up to 40kV and 3000A with clamps)
- Quick measurements, analysis and reports of ALL power quality parameters
- Automatic tests of energy meters and PT (VT), CT transformers
- Easy to carry, strong and waterproof (IP67) transportation case for TE30 with accessories, ready to use on site just after opening the cover
- Professional service and support (it doesn’t matter if you have a complex or trivial issue)
- Low price in comparison to the best performance
Read the Data sheet and the rest of the website to know all functions of the TE30 Working Standard. You will find there information about:
Measurement function:
- electrical parameters displaying in table, vector, oscilloscope, bar and trend chart format
- energy meter testing of meter error, register and maximum power with all type of pulse outputs (disc mark, LED, LCD, S0)
- three-phase CT and PT (VT) transformers testing of ratio, phase shift and burden with easy wiring resistance calculation
- measuring up to 63rd harmonics and interharmonics
- calculating all type of active, reactive and apparent energy: P, P+, P-, Q, Q+, Q-, S, PH1, PH1+, PH1-, QH1, QH1+, QH1-
- recording and power quality analysis according to IEC 61000-4-30: dips, swells, interruptions, signal voltages, voltage unbalance, flicker
Other advantages:
- independent electronic compensated clamps allow calibration, service, later purchase without factory return of the device and interchange of clamps between different TE30 Working Standard
- powering from: line 50-450V AC/DC or battery up to 2 hour lifetime
- light weight: 2kg (4.4lbs) with batteries
- large 7″ 800×480 LCD colour display with touch screen easy to use with gloves
- screen capture and screen printing function
- USB, Ethernet and Bluetooth interface for printer, PC computer, tablet or Internet communication
- up to 32GB SD memory card for data
- measurement reports and printscreens printing on site by the wireless printer
- context help with circuit diagrams
- impulse input and output up to 200kHz with automatic constants calculating in imp/kWh, imp/Wh, Wh/imp and Hz in all type of powers
- system configuration can be update at any time
- optionally external GPS modem synchronization
- producer warranty
- Calibration Certificate
TE30 Portable Three-Phase Working Standard uses large 7 inch LCD display with touch panel for setting and presenting measurements. TE30 is able to save measurement data on SD card, save a BMP screen capture and print measurement report directly to Bluetooth printer. Analyzer can be also connected by USB, Bluetooth or LAN with PC computer or Tablet and setting by TE30 PC-Soft.
TE30 is an universal device and can be used as a:
Three-Phase Power Network Analyzer
TE30 Analyzer is used to measure and refresh all power network parameters in real time. Data can be displayed in four different ways: table, vectors diagram, oscilloscope diagram and harmonics in bar and table format.

Table Display function is used for indicating all relevant parameters of three phase power network. The actual value of parameter helps to analyse circuit condition like: voltage missing, current missing, current reversal, asymmetry, etc.

Vectors Display function is used for verification of power network wiring and meter connection. Three orientation of vectors can be chosen.
Additionally the voltage unbalance (voltage asymmetry), phase sequence, neutral voltage and neutral current is calculated.

Oscilloscope Display function is used for displaying the waveform of voltage and current change in time. Six parameters and 1, 2 or 4 periods can be displayed at the same time (picture presents an example waveform of 1-phase Switching Power Supply input voltage and current).

Harmonic Measurement function is used for measuring amplitude and phase of harmonic in voltage, current, active power and reactive power up to 63rd harmonic. The measured harmonic can be displayed in tabular and bar format. Total harmonic distortion THD, total distortion factor TDF, crest factor CF, total interharmonic distortion TID will be displayed as additional information about a form of analysed voltage and current.

Energy Meter Tester
TE30 Tester offers automatic and easy to use function for energy meter testing. TE30 can be used to test error, test register and Pmax test directly on site with used load. All functions can measure energy for active, reactive and apparent power P, P+, P-, Q, Q+, Q-, S and energy for the first harmonic of active and reactive power PH1, PH1+, PH1-, QH1, QH1+, QH1-.

Meter error calculating (partial errors, average error, standard deviation) directly in [%] with:
– method of settings time of measurements or number of impulses,
– automatic identification meter constant,
– automatic determining measurement time or number of pulses.

Register testing for calculating of register error directly in percentage. Three registers can be verified at the same time and any combination of measured power can be chosen.

Maximum power measuring for testing of maximum power (demand) meters.
Instrument Transformer Tester
TE30 Tester can be used for automatic testing instrument transformers like LV and MV current CT and potential PT (VT) directly on site.

Burden Test function is used for calculating of current transformer CT and potential transformer PT burden directly in percentage (Percent Nominal Load) simultaneously in three phases.
Calculating of phase shift of load is enabled.
For easiest measurements, data from calculation of wiring and fuse resistance can be included into burden error.

CT Ratio Test function is used for calculating of current transformer CT ratio and phase shift error directly in percentage simultaneously in three phases.
PT Ratio Test function is used for calculating of potential transformer PT ratio and phase shift error directly in percentage simultaneously in three phases.
Power Quality Analyzer IEC 61000-4-30 (REC function)
For easy real time measurements of power quality a standard function Power Network Analyzer can be useful.
Additionally special function Trend Chart Display can easy visualize of measurement result in real time mode.

Trend Chart Display function is used for displaying the changes in time of all relevant parameters of three phase power network.
Analyser can store all parameters averaged in 1-100 seconds step time.
User can display simultaneously up to 3 trend charts of any stored parameters.
For advanced and long term analyse of power quality TE30 offers a Recording function.
Recording function is used for registration of all network parameters and additionally for measure dips, swells, interruptions, interharmonics, signal voltages and flicker.
Data with time stamp are stored in the SD card (up to 32GB) for archive and further analyse in TE30 PC-Soft program. It is able to check for EN 50160 compatibility or for individual users requirements.
TE30 PC-Soft
The TE30 PC-Soft is a powerful software to expand capabilities of TE30 device of remotely connecting to device via USB, Bluetooth or Ethernet and enable use of a full array of testing and analysis. Software is dedicated for PC computers with Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10 and tablets with Windows 8.1/10.
- The TE30 PC-Soft is used to remote control and monitor of the device and allows to:
- measuring and recording of all three phase power network parameters with digital, graph and oscilloscope display,
- verification of power network wiring with measure and recording of power network parameters by displaying of: three phase voltage and current vector, neutral voltage and current vector, direction of vector rotation,
- testing of electricity meters directly on site,
- testing of LV and MV current CT and potential PT transformers simultaneously in three phases directly on site,
- measuring of power quality parameters according to IEC 61000-4-30,
- store, export to MS Excel, copy to system clipboard and print the result of measurements and tests.
TE30 set’s:
Optional accessories:
CF106 – Universal scanning head
Universal miniature scanning head for detecting (counting) impulses from inductive, LED and LCD energy meters. Additionally it enables counting of manually triggered impulses (Start/Stop push button function). Sometimes (when access is difficult) it is the only way to count pulses from inductive, LED and LCD meters.
It can be easy mounted to meter by holder (CF106H option) or by self adhesive Velcro and it can also work “by hand” without mounting to meter.
ALW2000AC.1 – primary current sensors 2000A
2000A (at 40kV) primary current sensors for LV and MV nets, recognized and used by many reputable manufacturers
Optional software:
1. What will be the 1mA current measurement accuracy of direct current inputs?
The accuracy of the TE30 (class 0.05%) is defined as 0.05% of measurement value in range 10mA…12A and 0.05% of lower range (10mA) for values below 10mA.
It gives: 0.05%*10mA=0.005mA. For 1mA the relative error is: (0.005mA/1mA)*100%=0.5%. So the 1mA is measured with 0.5% of accuracy for TE30 class 0.05%.
2. I often test energy meters on very distorted power network. It is possible to find the source of the distortions?
Yes, it is easy by the unique function of power (P,Q) harmonic measurements.
The sign at the bars of power in spectrum diagram shows source of the distortion.
For the active power harmonics (P): if plus (+) then distortion goes from network to load; if minus (-) then distortion goes from load to network.
See the pictures below. Oscilloscope shows that U and I are highly distorted but only harmonics of power P with many long minus bars means that distortion goes from this customer to power network.
3. Can I use TE30 to test the ratio of MV (15kV) current transformer?
Yes, you can use special High Voltage current clamps up to 2000A at 40kV called AmpLiteWire, connected to the primary side of CT. The secondary side of CT can be connected directly to the TE30 current inputs or by precision 100A clamps to avoid breaking of the secondary current circuit. As the result you will get the ratio and phase shift error of the MV CT.
4. Error test of three-phase energy meter goes 33%. What is wrong?
Approximately 33% or 66% meter error test result means that there is a wiring problem.
At first make sure that TE30 voltage and current inputs are connected correctly to network/meter. Then use a Vector Graph measurements to find the problem. Probably one phase in your meter is disconnected/shorted or rotated.
Typical Vector Diagram shows picture below.
5. What should be done to use the REC functionality (network parameters recording) of the TE30 tester?
To use the REC functionality, user need to purchase a license key that extends the TE30 functionality with the REC function, enabling the measurement, registration and analysis of power quality parameters. The license key generated remotely by the manufacturer and can be uploaded by the user at any time after purchasing the device or by manufacturer when purchasing the TE30. Recorded parameters can be selected individually or automatically in accordance with the requirements of EN 50160.
6. What are the main differences between the TE30 and the TE30 Lite?
The TE30 Portable Three-Phase Workiing Standard and Power Quality Analyzer is manufactured in the 0.1% or 0.05% class, while TE30 Lite Portable Three-Phase Working Standard and Power Quality Analyzer is available in the 0.2% class.
The TE30 Portable Three-Phase Working Standard and Power Quality Analyzer enables direct current measurement up to 12A, while TE30 Lite enables current measurement up to 3000A with clamps only (depending on the selected optional measuring clamps).